Monday, February 18, 2008

Happy new week

Hello! Another week (or maybe two) gone. I haven't taken many family pictures, but thought I would share a few.
This is Lee, one year later, in the outfit we picked him up in. Keep in mind that it fit a year ago. He has grown so much, I thought the only way to display that is to see houw short the pants and jacket are on him now. He always insists on putting up the hood and tells me he needs it for when it rains.
Eva was in another race, the "Smile Mile" She got very nervous right before the start. I guess that is normal. She didn't have a very good time, but said she stopped to walk twice. What does it matter at her age? Or at all for that matter as long as she finished! She seems to just like the race process. I'm hoping my back will heal quickly (I injured my back almost two weeks ago and am still waiting for relief) so she and I can run together a bit.

The last picture of Ellis is at her class party for Valentines Day. She is so with it. She is a bit of a planner. She got up and totally dressed herself in all pink for Valentines Day. She is very independant.

That's all for now. :)

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