Monday, July 27, 2009

A few pictures from GA

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photos from GA

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Thursday, July 2, 2009

Let's get ready to Rumble

My friend, Dianne, brought her son over yesterday to play with Lee and Ellis. Eva was at a friends house. Boys are funny, it is just human nature to want to wrestle. Lee is not at all an aggresive boy, but he loves to wrestle if challenged. Just one of the many differences between some boys and girls.

The bridge at the park is a favorite spot for most kids. They can bounce on it, run across it, climb on the bars and roll around. Yesterday Lee and Ellis were showing Ben their "stretch across the bridge" skills and it was starting to work his nerve. He was afraid to do it, but finally did and was so proud.

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Water color

My medium of choice has always been water color. As a child I used to love to get a new crayola tray of paint, but as I got older and took classes in high school I learned the true technique of watercolor. I learned the importance of paper quality and paint and brush quality. For water color all three of your tools must be top notch in order to get what your are looking for. In college I had a professor (God rest his soul) who gave me such a hard time about being the only college student he had who used the type of paper I did. I remember asking him "What's the point if I don't use the best paper?" Not to sound like a snob, but paper snob, I am.
So, Ellis has become the little water color artist. Eva and Lee enjoy it too, but Ellis has a real passion about it that I recognize. Needless to say, I don't buy her the Crayola paints. I have real brushes and real paint for her. I don't always give her the best paper, but someday I will. I will take pictures of her work someday and post it. She has an eye for the abstract, like most children do, but also a great eye for color. She knows how to set up all of her own artwork, so I leave it all out. Several times a week she is doing just this. Sitting on the floor painting.

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