Thursday, April 24, 2008

Cinderella Ball

Once a year Eva's Brownies Troup, which is now a Girl Scout Troup since she "bridged" in mid April, has a Cinderella Ball. It is basically a Father/Daughter dance and this is Trip and Eva's third year attending.
This are a few pictures from before they left.

On another note, it has been a difficult few weeks here. My father had a heart attack two weeks ago, then open heart surgery a week and a half ago. He is recovering very slowly, but after today seems to be making some progress.

I've been taking a lot of pictures lately, so that is part of the reason for the slow blogging speed as well.
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Monday, April 7, 2008

Spring Break

During our week of spring break we did a lot of hanging out. One of our fun afternoons Myong, the sweet lady who helps clean our house every other Thursday, decided she wanted to bring her noodle maker and make us a home cooked Korean meal. Yum. She asked my friend Chris and her boys to come as well (she cleans for them too) We had such a nice and delicious meal.

Eva really enjoyed using the pasta/noodle machine.

We went to the beach on Saturday and spent the day with our friends who have a condo up there. We had such a great day even though it rained for the last portion of it. Lillian and Lee were watching the "Bee Movie"

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More of spring break

Lee and Ellis got in to my make-up. The funny thing was how elaborate Lee got with the make-up. He made red eyebrows and used metalic eyeshadow to cover his face. He looked very authentic as a Cirque de Soliel proformer. I was impressed with his skills. This picture really doesn't do the make-up justice. Trip and I love how he continues to put his this specific shirt on backwards. Nothing like struttin' your last name.
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Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The comment I receive the most

Okay, I don't believe I am actually posting without pictures. Sorry, I know it is such a disappointment, but I thought I would at least add something that happens to me on such a regular basis that I don't even give it much thought.
When I first got home and went in public with Lee, I was more aware of looks that I got. I think in my mind I was even half expecting it when I went in stores. I, by no means, get offended by this. It is human nature to notice differences in a family. I am not one of those super uptight parents who is looking for an area to be offended about my adopted child. Newsflash, he is obviously not biologically related to me.
But the question I answer the most in public when I have all of my kids (or even Lee and one of the girls) is "Are they all yours?" I know they are not asking because of the shear number of children I I remember people asking my parents in public because there are six of us. They ask because as they say on Sesame Street "One of these things does not look like the others" Again, I'm not offended, I just find it funny that so many people have decided the politically correct way to ask "Is he adopted?" Is by asking if they are all mine.

So, I mentioned it to Trip tonight in passing and he said the funniest thing to me, he said I should answer "No, only the Asian one" Because in reality, that's what they want to know. At any rate, I would never deny my baby girls, I love saying "Yes, they are all mine."