Thursday, July 31, 2008

Daily Play

Summer is getting to the point that the kids are so used to the freedom to play all day that I dread getting back into our normal routine at this point. The days in this house are priceless, listening to my kids play together and make up games. Sometimes, as in every home they come to me and complain of being bored or tattle on each other, but overall our kids get along very well. Lee and Ellis play a variety of games like Princess and Power Ranger. A lot of times they play "kitchen." They pull out all of their pots and pans and put a blanket on the floor and pretend to cook. This game can go on for a long time. Somedays it evolves, before I realize it, into the REAL kitchen and I will go in to find flour and oatmeal and all sort of experiments in various bowls. Gabby is usually in the thick of all of their play probably coaxing them to get out the food.

Lee had taken a recent interest in puzzles. This boy is a wonder at putting things together. He can sit and put a 100 piece puzzle together without moving from his seat once. Last night he played with his puzzles so long and quietly in his room that it started getting dark. He didn't even realize the room had gotten so dark until Trip went in to turn on the light for him. He kept working and working and then finally came out and said "Come and see!" He had taken all of his puzzles and put them all together and stretched them out across his floor to display. We let him sleep with his puzzles all over his floor and they are still there today.

Enough writing for now. I have been working on a special family project for the past day and I am determined to finish it this afternoon.

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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

High school reunion

Last weekend was my high school reunion. Hard to believe it's been 20 years. We had a great time, these are a few of my friends from school. These are a few of the pictures from Kyle's camera.

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Sunday, July 20, 2008

Pepperoni and Gabby

Ellis is thrilled with her doggy friends!

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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

At the beach again

We had a nice time over the weekend at the beach on Saturday. I have had a lot of work this week which has kept me busy.
Lee had to get three shots on Monday. I think he only has one left and then this immunization torture will be over for him. He was great though. Usually we have to hold him down while he screams and kicks. But Monday we talked about it beforehand and he said he wanted to sit still and get his shots in his arm. The nurses agreed to give it a try. That boy just sat there so bravely and got three shots without one tear or scream. Unbelievable. The nurses were so proud of him and happy that he didn't freak out as usual that they gave him two kinds of candy and stickers. He was very proud. Even though he always asks for coffee I stopped at Starbucks and got him some tea. That boy would drink coffee everyday if I let him! Every once in a while I give him some decaf.
I will get some more pictures of my kids in the next week or so and put them up.

Hello to Jonah and Lucas, enjoy "your song"
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Wednesday, July 9, 2008

More pictures from Georgia trip

I meant to put these up with the others from Callaway Gardens.
I am working some today but also trying to fit in time to make a peach cobbler (recipe from a woman who grew up in Macon...divine!) and go to my friend, Chris' house to let the kids play. I think I need an extra hour or two today. Wouldn't it be great just to place an order for an extra hour or two within a day?

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Tuesday, July 8, 2008


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Day at the beach

We spent the day after the 4th at the beach with some friends. While we were there we went down to the turtle nest we adopted in memory of Delaney.

It was just such a beautiful night, I could have taken pictures of the girls for hours.

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The girls

Zoe spent the night last week. The girls had so much fun together (as usual) Summer break seems to be moving so fast. The kids have had more activities this year than last, so I know it makes it more interesting for them.
Lee has been in Pre-K camp the past two weeks, one more week left after this. I know he completely enjoys it. Ellis' camp ended early in the summer and Eva has one or two more before school starts up again.

In a few weeks I have my high school reunion. (20th to be exact) and I am looking forward to it. I am not going to the actual evening event since I have a photo session in that area that night anyway, but I will go to the small get togethers at bars or whatever.

Most of my super close friends are from high school and I see them on a pretty regular basis, but there are a few I don't get to see as often, and for that reason I will go down.

I have a few more pictures to post, so I need to get crackin' so I can go to bed.

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How did I get four kids and two dogs to look at the camera?

I have no idea.

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