Saturday, January 31, 2009

sunny but cold

It has been such a pretty day, but it is just too cold for my blood. I am getting worse as I get older, but I have such a hard time warming up. I don't think it helps that I live with a hot box who continually turns the heat way down. Last night it got down into the 30's and it will again tonight, burr.
This are just quick pics of the girls. Eva was giving me her totally serious stare, but I had to put this up just to admire how clear and beautiful her skin is. Lee was at the park with a friend, so no pics of him this week.

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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Last week photos

No photos of my kids this week. I have taken this families photos since the oldest was a newborn, I really enjoy them. They have called for christmas, births and baptisms. Love loyal clients. I will be going down to West Palm in Feb. to take photos for a preschool down there. I am very excited about it and look forward to the challenge of working with a whole school. I have someone going with me to assist and will be there three days.
This week I have only catch up work to do (and laundry and homework) Then I start taking photos for a fabric designer ( to photograph all of her new fabrics for baby rooms and baby bedding. Something a bit different for me, but shouldn't be difficult.
Ellis and I have a bit of a cold. She stayed home from school yesterday. Plus she has this horrible bruise on her chin from falling off of the toilet late one night. I feel horrible about it. I took her in to potty after she fell asleep but thought she was more awake than she was and she fell before I could catch her. The most painful injuries for a parent are the ones that you feel you may have caused or could have prevented.
Eva has field day at school today. Every year the kids look forward to this because they can wear regular play clothes to school and no uniform. With that, however, comes the drama of "what should I wear?" I guess if you only get to show your wardrobe a few times a year you really want it to shine! Painful to my heart that she is starting to hit this age and care.
She also has a test in math fingers are crossed, she seemed to do well on her review.
Lee is struggling through counting. He is getting through the 20's now, but totally skipping 27, then struggling through the 30's and skipping 37. He can't seem to grasp yet the pattern of counting. Someday the lightbulb will go off and he will count without error. There is a chance he will be held back in Kindergarten, which is hard to come to terms with. His teacher believes he will get it, we have all seen lightbulbs go off before, but our concern is the delay. He is pre-reading, but he also does a lot of guessing. In some ways he is more advanced than his age. I think emotionally he falls in line, he seems to have more patience than most his age. He also has more empathy. We shall see, 4 more months in this school year.

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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

ellis and Emma's puppy

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Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Eva with the camera

More photos of Eva's! She is always thrilled if I ask her to take some pictures. I usually set the camera and then she presses the button, but after a bit of editing and cropping her pictures are better than most 9 year olds. If you look closely at the picture of Ellis you can see the little dog bite on her bottom lip on her left. I can hardly even see it now.

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Lee's 6th Birthday

January 1st was Lee's birthday. We had a Scooter Party for him on the 3rd. I think all of the kids had a great time. Our side street has been blocked off for underground pipe work, so we have been taking advantage of the closed street and letting our kids ride their scooters and bikes all over. I think we had about 13 or 14 kids all over the place on their scooters, racing each other and trying stunts. It felt like skate park only with lawn chairs and adult beverages.
Sweet Ellis got a little bite on her lower lip from a friends dog during the party, which looked way worse bleeding than it really was. So grateful it was just a litte nip, she loves dogs and doesn't contain her excitement much when trying to pet them. I am hoping this warning will serve as a bit of a reminder for her.
Overall is was a great day..Lee was so exhausted he fell asleep at 7:40.
Happy Birthday Lee, 6 already.

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To my surprise..

My Veteran's Day photos have been sitting on one of my photo cards! I never let photos stay on a card, it's just unthinkable as a photographer, but I guess in the midst of my busy season and then getting sick the week before Thanksgiving and surgery, I just now noticed that I had a card in my bag that had the girl scouts photos on them. So, a bit behind, here are the Veteran's Day photos of Eva's Girl Scout Troop.

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