Thursday, June 25, 2009

Lollipops and Lemonade Stand

The summer itch to have a lemonade stand hit the kids hard this week. I tried to give them a bit of warning that it is soooo hot that we just don't have the walking traffic we normally do. But no talking them out of it, so that means I had to buy the powered lemonade, cups and what nots. My girlfriends kids were also in the action, so they brought their umbrella and table. I bought the kids lollipops because I figured this would give them something during all of their lemonade stand boredom.
I think they made $5.00, but keep in mind, most of that was a donation of some kind from a passing workman in a truck or the sweet mail lady who gave them a dollar.
One day was not enough, so yesterday they tried their luck at my girlfriends house to see if that street was more profitable. Turns out they made $10 there. So $15 dollars for all of the kids to split in the end. They were happy. Eva gave me "a cut of the profits" because I bought some of the lemonade (my girlfriend did too) then I helped make the lemonade, bought them water bottles so they didn't dehydrate plus sat outside with them for 1 and a half hours to make sure no freaks came along. So, she gave me a cut.
But they had a good time and got their little entrepreneur minds rolling.

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ileana said...


ileana said...

Ok! great! it worked...the first I tried it, I wrote a long comment and then lost it all completely to the abyss of cyberspace.

It went on about how happy it makes me to read your blog and see pictures of the kids. I miss you all sooooo so so so so so so sooo so so very, very much! (There couldn't be enough so's and very's)

I vowed to myself that I would be disciplined enough to keep a log of this stepping stone in my life and I do have a blogger account, but I haven't found my center, my peace (if you will) here yet to center myself around a comfortable and efficient routine that will allow me to have some peaceful meditation time, blogging time, and enough time to communicate with my loved ones more often than some random crazy blog comment. I have a feeling this comment to you is morphing into some kind of blog entry of my own life.

Anyhow, before this gets out of control, I just wanted to say that I miss you all so very much. That it delights me in abundance to see and know more or less what's been happening in your lives. I love you and miss you!