Thursday, June 25, 2009

Waking up is hard to do

Ellis came in our room this morning (around 6:45) to finish her nights sleep. She and I are the same in the morning. It is so hard to wake up for me some days. Granted I can't sleep past 7:15am, but it's the getting up that is hard. Once I am up, that's it, not much rest for the weary in a day. I know that once I am up I am working and running errands and taking care of the kids until they are sound asleep that night. Not that I don't enjoy it, but I am the type who likes to listen to the birds through my chimney from the fireplace in our bedroom. I like to look at how the light reflects off of things in the bedroom and imagine what kind of painting it woud make.
But this morning I couldn't help but get my camera and take pictures of Ellis sleeping.

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