Saturday, August 1, 2009

More photos from Ga and what's going on..

This top photo should have 5 children in it, it's missing Jonah. The kids were trying to skip rocks but it turned more in to a "who can make the biggest splash" competition.

Jonah, our nephew, Parish and Kristin's son, was diagnosed with cancer (Burkitts Lymphoma) over three weeks ago. He is in the midst of treatment now and fighting the daily fight. He will have treatment for four months..we will be so happy to have him back in our photos again!

My heart is with Parish and Kristin now, he is their baby, he is six. In this past year or so, I have found myself asking the question I swore years ago was a waste of time to even ask; Why? I have never been much of a why asker. But as we get older both happy and sad news and events begin to pile up. There just comes a time in life when it only seems natural to ask why. Right now we are just focused on offering all we can to them.

At any rate, we are praying with passion about Jonah, Kristin, Parish and Lucas. The next several months will be full of ups and downs for them..I wish we lived closer so I could be there for them as often as possible. Any of you out there are welcome to pray as well.

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